AShley Green

Ashley Green is a 22 year old communications major at SF State, who lives in Palo Alto. Ms.Green once suffered from Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS), a combination of both anorexia and bulimia. Ashley has a story that very unfortunate and all to common among young women.




Chris is a committed, hard working student at SF State. Once a bulimic and anorexic, Chris used his eating disorder to cope with identity and unrealistic body images among men. For privacy purposes, Chris did not want his full identity to be revealed.

Part One: Their stories

Percentage of Eating Disorders In the United States

Eating disorders are more common then you think

In the United States alone, 7 out of 100 people, men and women, suffer from either anorexia or bulimia. This is not including the 61% of Americans who are either overweight or obese.

Part Two: Research

Eating Disorders

Eating disorder statistics based on gender

Eating disorder statistics are difficult to find, perhaps because there is no significant characteristic or behavior that can characterize the illness. However, here are a few statics based on gender that feature the three most known eating disorders from the National Institute of Mental Health.

Part Three: Treatment

Treatment Centers around the Bay Area

Here are a few notable treatment center locations in the Bay Area. Type of treatment and what disorder the program helps with will vary between centers. The locations were also picked to cover a wider range of the Bay Area, so one can choose a location based on proximity and type of treatment. A link to the contact page of each center is also provided.