
Paganism and Spirituality

How people are connecting to themselves and the Universe
Website/Coding by: Lyn Brook
Videos/Editing by: Lyn Brook
Content by: Lyn Brook
Interviews by: Lyn Brook, Alma Robles and Jensen Giesick


What is Paganism?

"Pagans are usually polytheistic (believing in more than one god), and they usually believe in immanence, or the concept of divinity residing in all things."
-Alt Pagan Frequently Asked Questions
Alt Pagan would go onto to clarify that there many forms of pagans; neo-pagans, meso-pagans, paleo-pagans, wiccans, druids, shamans and many other forms. As well, there are a good number of Pagans who are monotheistic.
Not all Pagans practice together as well, some prefer to keep it as a personal venture to connect themselves with their set of beliefs. Known as "eclectic pagans", they gather from various belief systems to create their own path.



Any practiced religion outside of the "main world religions", that being any non-Christian religion or a religion that pre-dates Christianity.



The non-religious side of your beliefs. How you connect to yourself, with nature and the universe surrounding you.
The "non-physical"



Pagan Practice can be seen as a DIY form of practicing religion. Whether that be through deity worship, tarot reading, magic, occultism, witchcraft, and much more. 


and your Personal Path

"I identify more as someone who is spiritual, rather than identifying as a Pagan because it is personal, I'm on my own path."
-Natalia Drescher
Many individuals, like Drescher and Dranewalker, found their spiritual path through life experience and a feeling of being "called" to it. Whether you identify as a Pagan, or just as someone who is spiritual, your personal path is valid amongst this community.



"Pagans might perform a wide variety of spiritual exercises on a daily basis, though probably no two Pagans practice their faith exactly the same way. Pagan personal practice can be as simple as lighting a candle at the dark of the moon and meditating on the flame, or pouring a fresh cup of water for one’s ancestors and saying a prayer." 
           -Pluralism Project by Harvard University 
                           What Do Pagans Do?


Tarot Reading

"Divination and fortune telling are the first things that most people think of when they see Tarot cards. However, a number of individuals use them as a meditation tool and for spiritual understanding."
                            -Sara Caldwell, 

The Sword and Rose in San Francisco provided a Tarot reading of spiritual guidance and manifestation regarding the current atmosphere of our worlds: